February 18, 2024

Introducing your new geospatial analyst, Maya

Introducing your new geospatial analyst, Maya

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Maya, your new geospatial analyst. 

Maya unlocks geospatial intelligence for decision-making and dramatically reduces the time and resources required to run complex geospatial data analysis.

Teams that finance, develop or advise on Nature-based Solutions run their site selection, eligibility, feasibility or diligence assessments with Maya.

Launch customers include carbon market leaders, such as Respira International, Vida Carbon, Treevive, SilviCarbon, and more.

Origin of Maya: A Solution Born from Necessity

Over the past 18 months, our work on Nature-based Solutions uncovered a critical bottleneck: assessing projects is complex, slow, and costly. 

Confronted with over 200 projects to assess and the absence of a scalable market solution for geospatial data access and analysis, we developed Maya as an internal tool. In order to equip our team with the capabilities of a fully-fledged geospatial department, we automated and streamlined the entire analysis process. When investors and developers alike echoed the sentiment of being bogged down by manual data analysis or the hefty fees and extended timelines of third-party assessments, we decided to bring our solution to market.

After a successful private launch in January, we're excited to announce that we're making Maya available to everyone. This step marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn't be more excited to see how Maya will enable everyone in the market to improve geospatial capabilities significantly.

How Maya works: An introduction

If your team frequently faces critical questions, such as the following, Maya can help you:

✅   How many hectares of this site are feasible as a planting area? 

✅   Was there forest cover on this site in the last ten years? 

✅   What natural risks is this site exposed to? 

✅   How has the mangrove cover changed on this site since 2020?  

✅   What is the estimated deforestation rate for this site over the next six years? 

Here is how: 

1. Automation for Geospatial Analysis:

We identify the most relevant analysis queries in the market and then choose the right public datasets or, if necessary, develop proprietary ones. On top of these datasets, we build an analysis layer with pre-defined analysis jobs designed to extract the correct information from the datasets to answer your questions. Maya has access to all these analysis jobs. She runs the analysis, generating dynamic reports on our scalable infrastructure, allowing you to make informed decisions without the hassle of technical setup.

2. Developing Proprietary Models: 

To address market gaps, we develop unique models. Our first models include a mangrove cover classification model updated to the present day and a deforestation rate estimation model that assigns risk scores to estimate future deforestation. 

3. An Interface That Understands You: 

You can communicate with Maya through multiple different interfaces. Mayas' natural language interface suggests the most suitable analysis directly from your questions. Our pre-defined analysis pipelines and "Expert Mode" also let you run many analysis jobs for your use case or a completely custom analysis. Maya ensures that every analysis is precisely tailored to your needs, with outputs featuring time-lapsed imagery, quantified values in charts, and interpreted text commentary.

What launch customers say

Since our private launch six weeks ago, leading asset managers, project developers and corporate ESG teams have shared their excitement for our new solution. 

Join your peers

If you are eager to unlock geospatial intelligence and implement faster and more data-driven processes for your decision-making, reach out for a demo with our team.

If you are curious to stay updated but are not currently looking to improve your assessment process, sign up for our newsletter, and we will keep you informed on upcoming webinars, product updates and customer case studies.